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paisajes 2002 naufragios 2002

alfonso cruz pintura bajo el mar painting under the sea

Alfonso Cruz es un artista que realiza una experiencia insólita: se sumerge en el mar y pinta en directo escenas submarinas. Reune dos cualidades imprescindibles: es un buceador profesional y un reconocido pintor con gran dominio de la técnica.
El artista transporta hasta la orilla un lienzo normal previamente impermeabilizado con una capa de clorocaucho. Esto permite que la pintura al óleo se adhiera dentro del agua sin problema, mediante una pequeña espátula. El óleo no se disuelve.
Alfonso Cruz, representante del Realismo mágico español, incorpora un lenguaje Expresionista a su obra. Son obras matéricas que combinan lo heterogéneo y vital con lo inerte y monocr
omo. Plasma pequeños rincones del macrosistema marino.

Alfonso Cruz is an artist, skillet at unusual experience: he goes underwater and paints first-hand submarine scenes. He has two impertaive characteristics he is a professional diver and a well-known painter with great know-how an techniques.
The artist takes the normal type of canvas which has been previously treated with a rubber chioride layer to make it water-proof. In this way the oil paint can easily adhere to the canvas under the water using a small spatula. The oil paint neither dissolves.
Alfonso Cruz representing the Spanish magical realims, incorporates expressionist style in his work. These works are matter orientated which combine the heterogeneous and vital with the inert and monochrome. He describes small corners of the marine macrosystem.

alfonso cruz
xavi pastor